Family Farm Best Way To Make Money
How to make good money farming?
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level 1
theres three ways to make money farming. Magical seed farming, where you just do a magical seed that has a low timer and sells for a decent amount. You breed everything and sell the extra seeds to vendor. This will get you a lot of byproducts that can be turned into t9 horse materials. The second option is to find something on market that you can grow that sells for a good amount. Then you just farm that, breed only as many as you need to to fully replant and then gather the rest and sell to market. The third option is to farm for cooking materials. You find a meal you want to cook and you farm the needed materials for it then package it up and sell to imperial vendor. Probably lowest effort is just farming magical wheat seeds and breeding everything, selling extra seeds to vendor then make the t9 mats and sell those. You might be able to get a bit more money finding something to sell to market but im not too sure. Cooking I wouldn't really do unless you have a decent cooking level (you should be doing cooking imperials either way).
level 2
· 2y
Just out if interest, what would you consider an average income from 1 round of 10 farms doing the magical seed method.
I've always gone with your second option, and usually make about 35-40mil every 3 hours.
level 1
Low effort would be magical seeds. I did dry mane grass for example. I found buying pepper seeds from vendor and selling pepper to be good money aswell
Family Farm Best Way To Make Money
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